Sunday, July 25, 2010

I will move on

I have been wounded, I have been bruised,
No one to take care, no one to hold on.
Though maimed, I’m still strong,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.

Numerous tears I shed and my heart bled,
The four walls echoed my cries.
With my eyes now dried and my heart now hard,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.

A bright ray of light was my only hope in life,
My hopes were shattered, nothing else remained.
Now I don’t care but I can still cope,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.

Thorns and brambles are strewn across my path,
The path so lonely, the path forlorn,
I will bear the agony, I will bleed profuse,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.

I will battle unaided, I will suffer alone,
I don’t want a shoulder to lean on.
I am alone; I will stand on my own,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.

No enemies, no friends, no family, no foes,
I don’t want support, nor do I accept scorn,
I’m a lone traveler, I will walk alone,
I will pick up threads, I will move on.